The Psychology of Winning
Denis Waitley
The 10 Qualities of a Total Winner
Quality 1: Positive Self-Expectancy
"Life is a self fulfilling prophecy. True winners go into every event expecting to win."
Today I will be discussing the important factors of having positive self expectancy of yourself. For starters ot os a great way to have positive thoughts since you believe in yourself. If you believe in yourself you can accomplish anything in life. With this quality you can accomplish your dreams of pursuing anything. I wonder how many people actually do believe in themselves. Ifso what or what will motivate them to accomplish their goals. I will apply this in my life by adding more positive attitude towards what I want to do and accomplish in life. I will also teach others of this amazing quality life improvement to ensure that they will do great in life as well. If everyone were like this the world would be a better place. Believe in yourself and you will be covered for. This ends my discussion on the quality life improvement of having positive self expectancy and how it can impact your life and for the better.

Quality 2: Positive Self-Motivation
Quality 2: Positive Self-Motivation
"True winners dig deep and find motivation inside themselves to get through that tough task or to learn a new skill."
Today I will be discussing the important factors of having positive self motivation and how it can influence your life for the better. For starters this is a great trait that a person with a quality of total winners should have. It helps you to be successful when you use this quality of life change like if you are wanting to win a basketball game and you give yourself that self motivation you are more likely to win because of that push your giving yourself. It helps when your the only one there to have your own back because not every time somebody will be there to support you only you have to support yourself. You are your own ally and if you are not motivating yourself to do something what else do you have to achieve your goals. I wonder how many people actually do self motivate themselves. If so how do they self motivate themselves or what cause them to actually have this power of success. I will apply this quality of life to my life wherever I am to ensure Im more likely to succeed. I will also teach others of this way so they can have an idea of how to be successful. If everyone were to do this we would accomplish more in this world. This ends my discussion of how this quality of life can help you be successful.

Quality 3: Positive Self-Image
True winners are confident and view themselves as competent, valuable human beings.
Today I will be discussing the important factors of having a positive self image of yourself and how it is important to have it. For starters this is a great way to be successful and for many reasons. If you dont have a positive self image of yourself you will feel less confident and are more likely to fail then succeed. You need all the confidence in order to be successful if you dont have one all the cards will just come tumbling down. Having this quality of a total winner key will improve your confidence and having you not worry on your looks or feelings. I wonder how people obtain this key to winners since it is not something easy to obtain. If so what motivated them to have this key. It is vital to have this key in order to do something as successful as first impressions when your meeting someone or doing this for a job. I will apply this to my life by having a positive self image to ensure that I will be confident with myself and for when I'm out there in the world. I will also teach others of this wy so they don't feel insecure of themselves and are more likely to be successful. This ends my discussion on the importance of having the quality of life success and how it can benefit you with yourself and your health physically and mentally.
Quality 4: Positive Self-Direction
You gotta have direction if you are going to go anywhere. True winners know where they are going. Their sense of direction comes from the self and not from outside influences like parents or friends.
Today i will be talking about the importance of having positive self-Direction and how it can impact your life. For starters this is a great way to become a winner since you give yourself a sense of direction. If you didn't have this you would be lost and wouldn't know what to do. This will result in your life being more harder and jumbled up making you miserable. I wonder how others find their sense of direction. If so what or who motivated them to take that path. If you have a positive self-direction you would be more confident and know what you are doing leading to being more successful at what you do. An example would be is when you graduate where would you go. Well having positive self-direction can help you because you know where your going and your confident enough to do and you basically have everything planned out. Another example would be if someone offered you drugs and if you had this key to success you know what to do, be a ctr person and turn it down immediately. I hope others know of this way in order for them to be successful. I will apply this in my every day life to ensure that I know my path in life and for the better. I will also teach others of this way to ensure they have a sense of direction in life as well. If everyone knew of this way the world would be a better place and more advanced then it is. One more thing I must say is that having this way of winner will improve your mind leading you to be more mature since you make better choices. This ends my discussion on this amazing key to being a winner and how it can impact your life and hope many others know of this way somehow.
Quality 5: Positive Self-Control
Total winners can sacrifice immediate pleasure for a gain in the future. Delayed gratification is of immense value in reaching your goals.
Today I will be discussing the importance of having positive self control and how it can affect you as a person. For starters this is a great way to be successful since you control you mind and body. Without this you would be unstable and even arrogant which to failing in your objectives. To have self control you need to be swift and podent which is not easy as it seems since you have to be calm at all times. Having self control can even impact your health for the better in many ways such as not getting angry as often. I wonder how many people do actually have this quality of success. If so what motivated them or how did they develop it. This also requires a lot of maturity so if you have this that shows how mature you have became. One situation would be if you were at an interview and if anything in your life that affected you such as being nervous or feeling sad then with this quality you have control and are likely to succeed in that interview. I will apply this into my life by being more patient towards others that are my problems. I will also teach others of this way. This ends my discussion on the wonderful quality of life of having self control and how it can impact your life.
Quality 6: Positive Self-Discipline
You have to discipline yourself or else someone else will discipline you into doing what they want you to do. Total winners have the power to discipline and take control of their lives.
Today I will be discussing the importance of having positive self discipline and how it can affect you as a person.For starters this is a great way to be successful since you have control over yourself. Without this you would be foolish and eventually it will affect you in the bad way. This can help you not get distracted. I wonder how many people actually do have this. If so how did they manage to develop it. Doing what you want to do is up to you and how you want to do iit. Many people will try to make you do something you don't want to. In order to control your life you need to have discipline. The winners in life become winners because of what they decide to do. Winners don't come out of people who control them. You get to decide what you want to do, don't let other people stop you and control what they want to see you do. You are a winner by the path that you choose to take. You, yourself will be the winner in your life and will demonstrate how successful you will be in life to everyone. Self discipline demonstrates to yourself, it has yourself, it has the word self. This is about you and what you want to be in your life. You have to always see yourself as a winner because everyday you have to wake up with the words "I way will win,' in your head. Do not let anybody get you to do what they want, you do what you want to do. I will apply this in my life by checking myself before I do anything foolish. I will also tell others of this way so they can ensure themselves a better future. This ends my discussion on the importance of self discipline and how it can affect your life
Quality 7: Positive Self-Esteem
Your mood and outlook on life affect the way you see the world and how you interact in it. Total winners are positive, powerful people who make people feel good and provide a good vibe to those around him/her.
Quality 8: Positive Self-Dimension
Total winners like in the present. They know that now is all there is. They don’t get caught up in the past or worry about the future. They simply handle the business that they can handle which is the stuff going on today, now.
Quality 9: Positive Self-Awareness
Total winners are aware of their power. They understand that they can be anything with enough effort and determination.
Today I will be discussing the important factors of having this quality of life and how it can impact your life. For starters this is a great way to be successful in life since you are aware of what you are doing an how you are going to fix that mistake you have. I wonder how others develop this way. If so what motivated them to even have this. To have this quality of success you must be more observant of yourself and your surroundings. This can help to fix issues that you may not know you even have. If you don't have this quality of success your more likely to mess up more and even possibly fail. With this you can be positive that your having a good sense of direction in life and take the successful way instead of the bad path. You must also evaluate more of your life so you can improve your lifestyle. I will apply this in my life by being more aware of my surrounding and to others. That way I can first think before I act and fix my mistakes. I will also teach others of this way so they can ensure themselves a better future. If everyone were like this we would be more advanced as a society therefore the world would be a better place. This ends my discussion on the importance of having this key and how it can impact your life for the better
Quality 9: Positive Self-Awareness
Total winners are aware of their power. They understand that they can be anything with enough effort and determination.
Today I will be discussing the important factors of having this quality of life and how it can impact your life. For starters this is a great way to be successful in life since you are aware of what you are doing an how you are going to fix that mistake you have. I wonder how others develop this way. If so what motivated them to even have this. To have this quality of success you must be more observant of yourself and your surroundings. This can help to fix issues that you may not know you even have. If you don't have this quality of success your more likely to mess up more and even possibly fail. With this you can be positive that your having a good sense of direction in life and take the successful way instead of the bad path. You must also evaluate more of your life so you can improve your lifestyle. I will apply this in my life by being more aware of my surrounding and to others. That way I can first think before I act and fix my mistakes. I will also teach others of this way so they can ensure themselves a better future. If everyone were like this we would be more advanced as a society therefore the world would be a better place. This ends my discussion on the importance of having this key and how it can impact your life for the better
Quality 10: Positive Action
Total winners take positive action in their business and with their friends and family. They are uplifting and motivating individuals who inspire the best from themselves and other
Today I will be discussing the importance of having positive action and how it can affect you in the long run. For starters this is a great quality to have since it involves others and how you behave around them. With this quality of manner you can inspire others and yourself to work hard. It is also a act of kindness and this is much better then being arrogant towards others. I wonder how others develop this quality matter. If so what inspired them to do so. You must be willing to have a positive mindset and not let others interfere with your life. It is good not only for just you but for others to have this to be more enthusiastic and better towards each other. You must also be confident in what you do when you want to motivate others with your good acts of positivity. You must also expect the best not only from others but from yourself as well. I will apply this in my life by helping others and motivating them along the way. I will also teach others of this way so they can ensure themselves a better future. If everyone had this quality of success the world would be a better place. This ends my discussion on quality number 10 and how it can impact your and others lives for the better.
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