The 7 habits of highly effective people
1 be proactive
2 begin with the end in mind
3 put first things first
4 think win win
5 Seek first to understand then to be understood
6 synergizing
7 sharpen the saw
be proactive
Today I will be discussing my thoughts on being proactive and how it can help you in a positive matter. For starters this is a great way to be a effective person because you can be prepared for whatever is coming your way. You can also handle a tough situation very well if your being proactive.I hope many others are proactive in order to live a better life. I wonder people are actually proactive. I also wonder what influenced them to be this way. I myself am proactive in some ways but I do need to improve my proactivity a bit more. I should also apply this in my daily life whenever or whatever opportunities await me. Being proactive makes you productive and makes you choose the right in many ways. I know many of my friends and family member are productive in many ways. I also plan to spread the word on being proactive and how to be a better person by doing so. This ends my summary on what being proactive means to and may many others realise that being proactive is a habit of being highly effective person.
1 be proactive
2 begin with the end in mind
3 put first things first
4 think win win
5 Seek first to understand then to be understood
6 synergizing
7 sharpen the saw
be proactive
Today I will be discussing my thoughts on being proactive and how it can help you in a positive matter. For starters this is a great way to be a effective person because you can be prepared for whatever is coming your way. You can also handle a tough situation very well if your being proactive.I hope many others are proactive in order to live a better life. I wonder people are actually proactive. I also wonder what influenced them to be this way. I myself am proactive in some ways but I do need to improve my proactivity a bit more. I should also apply this in my daily life whenever or whatever opportunities await me. Being proactive makes you productive and makes you choose the right in many ways. I know many of my friends and family member are productive in many ways. I also plan to spread the word on being proactive and how to be a better person by doing so. This ends my summary on what being proactive means to and may many others realise that being proactive is a habit of being highly effective person.
Begin with the end in mind
Today I will be discussing my opinion and what this habit means to me and go into dept by including examples, how it affects others and etc. For starters I believe this rule is important because you set goals for yourself and dont let anyone control them for you. You should take charge of your future and to be confident in what you do. I wonder how others feel about doing this. I wonder what motivates them to do this type of habit. I hope many others are very well aware of this habit in order to live a more happy and successful life. You must use this habit to your advantage in order to ensure yourself you'll be alright. I know many others who include this habit in their life.. Ill be sure to apply this fantastic habit in my life in order to be more successful and make others around me proud of what im going to plan. I will also be sure to spread this type of success on others and give them advice on how to achieve this habit of success. I will do this starting off with my family and help them out to find this type of success. I hope many others are influenced by this habit so they may live a better life. This ends my discussion on the second habit of success and I hope I write sooner on the next habit of success.
Put First things First
today I will be discussing facts and my opinion on how putting first things first can effect you in many ways. For starters this a great way to be an effective person in many ways. One you apply self discipline which everyone needs in order to succeed. To self discipline yourself you must be willing to make some sacrifices and focus on your objectives. You are obligated to do things that are important then others. For example do your homework and dont even dare try to play your video games first. I wonder if people even consider doing this when the time is right. If so what ways are they inspired to do so. With all of this in mind I must warn you yes there are some negative sides of this. An example being that there are two importing things you must do like if you ever had two meetings or if you had to pick going to your sisters birthday or doing a presentation like an IDP which one would you go to. I plan to apply this skill whenever I need to. I will also spread the word of this third rule to anyone I possibly can tell to. One more thing I can tell you is that another benefit this rule gives you is you can learn and develop yourself and gain experience from doing this rule. It can also make you more mature like in handling situations a bit more suddle and better. This ends my discussion on the fantastic rule 3 on putting first things first and I hope that this influences others to do this rule.
Think win win
Today I will be discussing my thoughts and opinions on what think win win means to me and how it affects others. For starters I believe this is a great way to think in a matter of being motivated to do your best. Everyone needs a bit of self motivation to achieve many things in life. If you think this way you can accomplish many things in life.You can pull together when your in a bad situation. I wonder how many people think this way? What motivates them to feel this way. Many others who dont know of this attitude show of it in order to motivate themselves to work better and smarter and think of new goals and how to accomplish them. I plan to apply this rule in my every day life. I wonder how shold I motivate myself into doing this act of motivation. I believe that if others appplied this rule then we would evolve and have a better future. This ends my discussion on this subject of matter of thinking win win.
Seek first to be understand then to be understood
Today I will be discussing my opinion on the subject of this habit and how it can affect others and yourself. For starters this is a great habit for many reasons. One being that it teaches you to be independent and rely on yourself. An example I can give is a person who doesn't first try a problem on a paper given to him or her and just ask for help. You should try to understand it first before you just ask for help. You also have to be a positive person in order to achieve this mindset. I wonder how many people feel this way. I also wonder what motivates them to do so. I will apply this to my everyday life to have a more successful future. I will also teach this habit to others to make sure theyll do fine as well. I hope many others are inspired to be willing to self motivate themselves to be independent. If you apply this rule to your life you can finally learn to not rely on others. This ends my discussion on the value of the fifth rule of successful individuals and may others apply this habit in order to have a brighter future.
Today I will be discussing my opinion and how this habit may help others and yourself. For starters I believe this a great way to be a successful person and it teaches others that if you can work together efficiently you can do anything and achieve many things. I wonder how many people see this rule valuable and use it their own advantage. I wonder if people even commit to applying this rule and if so what motivates them to do so. I hope many people do look up to this rule since it does help them realize that working together is key to success in most cases. I know people who aplly this rule in order to do more and accomplish many things. I will apply this rule in order to have a brighter future. I will also teach this rule to others so they have an idea of what being a successful person is. It can affect others in a positive manner and if everyone worked together the world would be a better place. This ends my discussion on how synergizing can help you.
Sharpen the Saw
Today I will be discussing on my opinion of this habit and soon. For starters this is a great way to become a better person. You can accomplish many things if you achieve this goal. You can even have the power to forgive even the most despicable acts done by another person.If this were to happen the world would be a better place. I wonder what inspires most people become this way. I also wonder how many people out there actually apply these rules to their life. I will include this rule in my life in order to be a better person. I will also try to teach this rule. I hope many others will apply this rule in their lives. I know if they ever did then they will a better life style. They will achieve the power to work hard and smart. We should also encourage others to do so. This ends my discussion on the 7th habit and may others be inspired to apply this habit into their life.
Today I will be discussing my deepest feelings on the 7 habits and how it influences me in a positive manner. I now know how to be a successful individual thanks to these habits. I've learned to be a bit more social and more patient with others thanks to these habits. I even taught a few of my peers of these 7 habits and it can influence them in their life. I wonder what else I may do to spread the word of these marvelous habits. I've also learned how to work and think smarter with a few of these habits. I've also been more productive lately thanks to these habits. I know my future will be brighter thanks to these 7 habits. One example being that I developed and improved some of my skills to become a better person. I wish more people would learn about these habits so the world would be a better place. I hope most people someday will be taught this to ensure them that their future is bright. This ends my reflection on the 7 habits and coming to a great closure,
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