Six Rules to Make people like You

                                                 Six rules to make people like you

                    1 Become genuinely interested in other people
                    2 smile
                    3 remember names
                    4 be a good listener and encourage others to talk
                   5 talk in terms of another mans interest
                   6 make the other person feel important and do it sincerly

          Become genuinely interested  in other people

        Today I will be talking about how good this step really is into making people like you. I believe this is a fantastic way ti get people to like you in my opinion. This makes the other person like you for liking them. In return the person will soon become interested in you. I wonder how many people really do this. Do they take a different approach? I hope many people are committed to do this to make more people like them. I will apply tis technique to increase my chance of people liking me. I know many people who apply this technique and it works out for them. If everyone were to do this then the world would be better understanding to each other. Yes this technique can apply to a better relationship between family members. This can lead to a better understanding of each other. This ends my discussion on how to get people to like you on the first rule to make people like you.

 I agree with this rule in improving your life and making people like you. If you smile, as the statement says. It shows people that you are genuinely interested in them as rule 1 told us to be. Smiling is contagious. So even if you aren't happy and someone smiles at you, you have to be pretty pessimistic to not smile back. And if you are happy and you smile at someone, then you can be pretty sure that they will smile back at you. it is critical that you are able to smile even when you don't feel like it if you want people to like you. You don't have to have a smile on your face all the time but make sure you're approachable. You may know someone who smiles all the time or a lot and chances are you enjoy seeing or talking to them. That is the impact of a smile. Which is why everyone should smile. I always try to be positive and simile all the time. When people see me smile they also want to smile. It's like a chain cycle if you smile they are more likely to smile. This ends my discussion on smiling and I hope others are influenced to apply this rule in their everyday lives.

Remember names

  Today I will be discussing the facts on how remembering peoples names gives you a better chance of them liking you more. For starters it is easy to do this and its obvious that you have know the persons name or else itll be just awkward. If you know there name it shows them a sign that you really want to get to know them.Remember people's names is the best thing a person can do, because when a person remember your name automatically that person will like you because he/she takes the time to memorize your name. When you meet someone, the first thing you do is to say your name and it is really great when you see that person again and that same person remembers your name, in that moment you feel like something important in his/her life.We all have to apply this rule in our daily life, but not only when we meet someone, and just the fact to remember your friends' names means that they are important in your life.Do not forget people's names and I am sure a lot of people will like you!

       Be a good listener, Encourage others to talk

    I believe that this a great way to increase your chances on getting a person to like you. For starters you should have your friend feel comfortable about talking about themselves
In order to show them on how much you like each other. In this way you guys can actually talk and get to know each other more. I wonder if many people really do pay attention to others when they speak. If so how do they respond and when to do so. As a society we must be social because we can learn from one another, gain more intellect, understand people more, and get peoples ideas opinions and desires. Listening to people also helps us lean who that person truly is and how we can learn from them. I plan to apply this more by talking more with my peers. Talking to people also helps you grow as a person and you can learn manythings from this experience. Ill also spread this rule to those who don't know how to interact with others. I hope many people are inspired by this quote and may many others do this rule in order to have a greater life. This ends my session on discussing what rule 4 means to me and how it can help and influence others. 

   Talk in terms of another man's interest

     Today I will disusing this rules subject on what this rule means to me, how it influences others, and how I may implement this in my life. I believe this means to be of interest of another persons interest. For example if you can agree on something, like what that person likes, or just come to terms with another persons interest. I wonder how many people actually apply this rule in their lives and how they do so. I will apply this in my life whenever I talk to friends or new people. By doing so I will understand people a bit more better then before. I should spread this 5th rule to other people. I hope many people are influenced by this rule and apply this to their lives. It can influence peoples social habits and motives by trusting their friends and getting to know them a bit more. An example can be when the dalai lama expresses his thoughts on life and world peace to influence us most of us agree on what he says. This ends my discussion on the fifth rule on getting people to like you.

    Make the other person feel important and do it sicerly

 Today I will be talking about how this rule can effect the way people can like you and how it can influence others. For starters this is a great way on getting people to like you more and you can make them feel good while doing so. When someone is down you can gain their trust by making them feel great which is a sign that you care about them. Your doing a good cause to by giving them a positive vibe and ensures them that the rest of their day will be great. It will make them feel so good that they will use this rule to pass it on and make others feel good,. I will apply this more in my life to make others feel better about themselves. I wonder when and how do people apply this rule. What motivates them t do this sort of act of goodness. If everyone would do this the world would be a better place. I hope many others are influenced to do this as much as me and may we all come to an understanding to actually do this rule in real life. In my spare time I will try to teach people and lecture them on this amazing rule. This end my discussion on the final rule of getting people to like you and it was an honor writing my opinions on all these fantastic rules and it has influenced me in a positive manner and may others know of these rules in order to gain a new understanding and to be more social from these rules.

Final reflection on my thought of the six rules post

Today I will my thoughts and ideas on the six ways of getting people to like you and it has influenced my thinking on this subject of matter. For starters these rules are very important to do in order to have people take an interest in you. I use these tremendous rules to my advantage to get my friends to like me a bit more and I use it towards others that I don't know of yet. I use these rules in many ways mainly to have people close to me try to be more understanding to me a bit more. These rules are dear to me for many reasons one being that it can be useful for me in the future. These rules have taught me many thing from just reading lke the value of other people and how may approach them and when to do it. I wonder how many people actually know of these rules and how they apply it in their every day lives. I plan to share this rule to as many people as I possibly can. These rules are also the reason why im improving a bit more in my social skills and how I talk to others. For example I talk to them on my interest of other subjects. I hope many others do take advantage of this rule and soon spread the word of this rule in order to make people more understanding of one another. This ends my reflection on my thoughts of the six rules and why I believe it is tremendous and I will honor these rules for as long as I live. 


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